PAIRS: Working with you

We're here to help families enjoy their relationship with their little ones. We can work with you to make that happen.

What we do

We work one-to-one with parents or carers and their child, or with expectant parents before birth. We also offer group programmes. 

For colleagues, we offer training, reflective spaces, consultation and webinars.

Watch our video to find out how we can help, and to hear from families who have taken part in PAIRS.

Training, consultation and webinars

We offer training, consultation and resources for practitioners supporting families across Lambeth:

  • Case discussion to support practitioners in finding and holding the baby’s voice; supporting the understanding of babies and infants mental health and attachment needs.
  • Signposting and linking with Lambeth services for children under 5 – children’s centres and services, Better Start support.
  • Advice on connecting to networks that can support parents and infant mental health. 
  • Support with communicating the needs of children under 5 to other agencies.
  • Thinking about developmental milestones eg. difficulties in transitioning to nursery or school.
  • Linking challenging behaviours with attachment or relationship difficulties.
  • Supporting formulation of care planning, treatment and possible referral to outside services.
  • Formulating a referral to PAIRS for parent-infant psychotherapy or group work if indicated.
  • On-going case consultation (different from and not clinical supervision).
  • Regular reflective spaces for certain practitioners.
  • Briefings, webinars and training sessions as needed.

Get in touch to book a PAIRS consultation.


Phone: 020 3228 7370

Services for families

We offer one-to-one therapy, including Circle of Security Parenting, and Together Time groups for families.

We get to know families at one-to-one sessions by watching them play, thinking about the baby or toddler’s cues and behaviours as well as ways of responding. Parents have a chance to discuss their problems and concerns, their needs and those of their child. 

Together Time is a safe space for parents to be with their babies, to explore and understand their relationship and to share feelings and experiences with other parents. It runs over 7 weeks and the next group starts on 26 May at Liz Atkinson Children's Centre. You can share details with parents using our flyer for the group and our leaflet explaining Together Time.

Find out more about PAIRS and share our video created for families so they can see what we do.

Services for families

Who can access PAIRS and how?

We accept referrals from all professionals working with Lambeth families with children 0-3, including during pregnancy. Parents can also refer themselves. 

Fill out a referral form for 1-1 services or Together Time, or get in touch:


Phone: 020 3228 7370

We can help with:

• Attachment and bonding difficulties during pregnancy and the early years.

• Impact of parental trauma on parenting.

• Birth trauma with an impact on the relationship.

• Family relationships and difficulties adjusting to parenting.

• When parental mental health difficulties impact on the parent-child relationship.

• Separation difficulties.

• Ongoing issues with feeding and sleep.

• Ongoing parental worry about the infant’s health and development.

• Ongoing difficulties with developmental tasks e.g. toilet training.

• Babies described as difficult to manage or settle.

Support from an interpreter can be offered if needed.

Our partners

LEAP runs PAIRS in partnership with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

We work with health visitors, midwives, social workers, children's centre teams and others to build a team around the child.

Our partners

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