Lambeth Early Action Partnership draws to a close

Changes at LEAP

The LEAP Programme is drawing to a close at the end of September 2024. Most of the services and activities previously run by LEAP are now being offered by other organisations, including Lambeth Council, offering continuity for families. 

LEAP  is one of five local partnerships which make up A Better Start, a national ten-year (2015-2025) test and learn programme funded by the National Lottery Community Fund that aims to improve the life chances of babies, very young children, and families. LEAP is hosted by the National Children’s Bureau charity (NCB) and works with a wide range of children, families, practitioners, and organisations across Lambeth, London.

Since 2015 LEAP has funded and supported more than twenty local services to meet the needs of families through pregnancy and the early years of childhood, working  to give thousands of children in the LEAP area aged 0-3 a better start in life.

Over the lifetime of the Programme, LEAP has reached a total of 15,374 families, exceeding the original aim to reach more than 10,000 families. Feedback from families about LEAP services is extremely positive.

Importantly, despite the challenging context for many families in Lambeth, LEAP’s work has had a beneficial effect on outcomes for children. LEAP’s parenting services have helped parents and carers to feel more knowledgeable and confident about their parenting. 

LEAP operates in an inner-London community where 68% of children live in ‘very deprived’ neighbourhoods. LEAP delivers services in parts of Lambeth (‘the LEAP area’) where young children experience greater inequalities than children in the rest of the borough.

You can find the evidence and learning reports from our 10-year-long test and learn programme on The Story of LEAP. 


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